All requests allowed under Policy 401 (PDF) should be submitted as outlined herein. For information about current natural gas rates, contact Sawnee EMC’s Customer Call Center at 77, chat online at, text 67 or visit. Those wishing to receive information not located at this site should follow the process described in Policy 401 (PDF). This policy governs the dissemination of corporate information to members of Sawnee EMC, as well as non-members.

only the balance that meets this standard) from the date the bill is rendered. Sawnee Electric Membership Corporation exists to serve the changing needs of members by enhancing the quality of life through active. The availability of Sawnee EMC corporate information is sanctioned and administered by the staff of Sawnee EMC, as approved by the Board of Directors, and is outlined in Policy 401 (PDF), Member and Public Access to Cooperative Information. per month will be charged on the outstanding qualifying balance (e.g. Guide for members about on-going right of way activities (PDF) Documents Not Offered Online Completion of the "Packet" is required in order for Sawnee EMC to investigate the allegation of improper use of personal identifying information. With traditional billing, you pay an amount calculated by Sawnee EMC for electricity you used in the previous month. Sawnee EMC has developed an Identity Fraud/Theft Investigation Packet ("Packet") (PDF) to assist former and current members, as well as other individuals that believe they are a victim of identity fraud/theft.

After the notice was issued, Sawnee EMC had just ten days to file a bid protest under Section 6.5.4 of the Georgia Procurement. 2020 Financial Audit (PDF) Identity Fraud/Theft Sawnee EMC and Georgia Power submitted bids.